As the winter sets in, in a few weeks from now, in Leh and Ladakh, the families rendered homeless in the flash floods in early August, are already shuddering in their make shift tents. With no houses to live in, and no time to build a new house, only hope lies in the prefab houses which we, in Rotary, decided to provide to some of the families in Leh, after our visit there.
There are 13 prefab houses in two villages, and one dormitory which would house nearly 23 families, protecting them from the harsh cold, which touches -40 degrees.
Each prefab house structure of 12ft x 14ft has been very kindly offered to be fabricated by a manufacturer at the highly reasonable cost of just Rs.1.50 lakh. Many generous Rotarians have come forward with financial support. It's time to hurry since it is only a few weeks left now when these shelters must reach there and get installed.
Support us. With your help, we can save little children, women, the infirm and the aged, from the freezing cold.
Send in your contributions to "Chandigarh Rotary Club Service Trust" immediately.
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