Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Polio: A Blessing and A Curse, says Bill Gates
Bill Gates was again one of the most sought-after speaker at the third plenary session of the 2011 RI Convention in New Orleans, USA.
Addressing the Rotarians he said because of Rotary, there are many places in the world where polio is no longer considered a threat.
“That’s a blessing and a curse,” said Gates. “The blessing is that in many places, polio is a disease of the past. The curse is that it is now harder for us to raise awareness that, in some places, polio is also a disease of the present. If we fail to help leaders around the world understand this, polio is certain to be a disease of the future.”
Watch his full speech.
Addressing the Rotarians he said because of Rotary, there are many places in the world where polio is no longer considered a threat.
“That’s a blessing and a curse,” said Gates. “The blessing is that in many places, polio is a disease of the past. The curse is that it is now harder for us to raise awareness that, in some places, polio is also a disease of the present. If we fail to help leaders around the world understand this, polio is certain to be a disease of the future.”
Watch his full speech.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
District Public Relations Grant
We had announced earlier to the Clubs to avail of the District Public Relations Grant. Many of the clubs have responded and have put up excellent show by using the opportunity to make their presence felt in the community and share the good work that Rotary is doing for the benefit of the humanity. This massive hoarding here has been put up on the National Highway 1 in Panipat by Rotary Club of Panipat Midtown.
The time is running out. You have now just 10 more days to finish the job and submit the bills urgently. The designs for the outdoor advertising as approved by the RI have already been sent and circulated and are also available for downloading in coreldraw format which should be given to the vendor for flex production. The coreldraw file can be amended to include your club's name and contact number.
The information about completion of the job must be sent to us in the reporting format which can be downloaded here.
Friday, April 22, 2011
World Earth Day Greetings
What are you doing to Green Your Home...Your Community!
Earth Day Network’s goal is to reach 1 billion before the U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio in 2012.
Last year on the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, the Earth Day Network launched the Billion Acts of Green® campaign from the National Mall in Washington, DC.
A total of over 100 million Acts of Green have since been logged at, making this campaign the world’s largest environmental service project.
Billion Acts of Green rewards simple individual acts AND larger community initiatives that support sustainability and bring us closer to measurably reducing carbon emissions. Participants record their Acts of Green at where they can also send
messages to government officials, sign petitions, and make pledges to live a greener life.
What counts? Earth Day events, planting trees; cleaning up beaches and parks, community meetings on energy efficiency, sustainability and green economy issues; large-scale light bulb changes and workplace renewable energy retrofits are some examples. Simple gestures like choosing to bike instead of drive may be also recorded.
ABOUT EARTH DAY NETWORK: The first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. The passage of the landmark Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act and many other groundbreaking environmental laws soon followed. Growing out of the first Earth Day, the Earth Day Network (EDN) works with over 25,000 partners in 192 countries to broaden, diversify and mobilize the environmental movement. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.,
What are You Doing in Your Community?
Rotary Clubs have lot of exciting Green projects. Do share with us.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Rotary Peace Scholarship Applications Invited
Applications for Rotary Peace Fellowships are invited by Rotary District 3080.
The fellowships are for study at one of the six Rotary Peace Centers to obtain either a master’s degree in international relations, peace studies, conflict resolution, and related areas, or a professional development certificate in peace and conflict studies.
During their studies, Rotary Peace Fellows will work to advance knowledge of issues related to peace, causes of conflict, and world understanding. The fellows will participate in a Rotary Peace Centers seminar and will commit to a career related to international relations, peace, and conflict resolution.
Rotary Peace Fellowships cover up to two academic years and provide funding for round-trip transportation, tuition and fees, room, board, and other limited expenses. The certification programme available only at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand is for a period of three months.
For more information and a fellowship application, please contact Rtn. C.J. Singh, District Secretary ( More detail can also be downloaded from Rotary International website at
The last date for sending the application is 10th May 2011.
The Rotary Peace Centers are hosted in University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, England; International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan; Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand; and Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.
Charanjit Singh
District Secretary
Rotary International District 3080
3366, Sector 32D, Chandigarh 160031
M: +91 93161 33924
O: +91 172 5016581, 5001581
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
PR Grant
All the Club Presisdents are requested to complete the installation of the hoardings in their respective communities as per the designs sent earlier. The installations must be completed by 15th of May and the bills of expenses must be submitted to District Secretary for processing. The estimates, as communicated earlier too, must be approved in advance and details of number, location and size of the each site should be provided.
Look forward to your early action.
Look forward to your early action.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Joy of Giving!
The Rotary Foundation has always been supported by ordinary people who give both their money and time. Of course, there have been few millionaires who gave substantial gifts. But when India reached the milestone of over US $11.8 million last year and ranked number three in the Rotary world, the support was from Rotarians in many clubs including our district with contribution of $330,000+. Success in collecting funds isn't a sprint. It is a marathon.
Large-hearted Rotarians have continued to contribe handsomely and in spite of economic recession and other setbacks, they have supported The Rotary Foundation.
Only you can take the step to reach higher levels. Let us surprise all by reaching more majestic heights. Shall we target for US 400,000 during 2010–2011? We are capable of achieving it. Let us provide The Rotary Foundation with another unique feat of excellence. Let us optimise our performance. $100 average per Rotarian to APF and the $30 mandatory contribution to Polio Challenge Fund can help us achieve the target easily. Let us inculcate pride in our achievements. Let us go that extra mile with confidence. Let us do the unthinkable, the almost unattainable. Let us make Rotary proud of our efforts. Let us be generous and contribute to the Rotary Foundation, whatever be the amount.
The success in Polio Eradication Program can be seen in India, with about 200,000 cases in India at the start in 1985 to only 42 cases in 2010 and only one so far in 2011. We are this close to Eradicate Polio and the world looks up to Rotary with confidence to complete the task. This would be the second disease after smallpox to be eradicated. History will always talk of Rotary's initiative and role in to make the world Polio free and safer for future generations.
Rotary is poised to be more relevant, more effective and more useful. This can only be achieved if we are sincere in our action and our support to the foundation and all the programmes. As stewards of The Rotary Foundation, Rotarians are responsible to donors to use donations appropriately. You know that funds are used in a responsible manner thru you to support projects in your district & clubs.
TRF is the driving force behind most of the work we do in our communities – This year our district has taken up or is participating in projects of value approx $500,000. It is you, my friends, who have taken the money from your pockets to promote life giving programmes as polio eradication, Medical Missions, Multispecialty Health Camps including Cancer Detection & Awareness Camps, Heartline, Peacemaker Bank, Water Filters for schools, Eye IOL, School Benches, Sanitation, RWH, RVTC, literacy, health promotion and ultimately peace. This has all been possible because of the generous contributions of Rotarians. Let us continue with the generous giving and reach the target of $100 average contribution per member to the APF of TRF, with each member contributing something, get the satisfaction of doing good, feel good, thank god for his generosity & blessings and be blessed again. Bring out your cheque book with a smile on your face and a feeling of satisfaction in your heart that you have donated to a cause.
There are many Rotarians in our clubs and district who have never had the joy of contributing to the Foundation. When people join Rotary they have the inclination to serve and we do need funds to take up projects. You need not donate large chunk of money maybe Rs.500… Rs.1100… Rs.3100… Rs.5100… Rs.21000… Rs. 51000 or more.... at your ability, discretion & will get the satisfaction of doing good, feel good, thank God for his generosity & blessings, be blessed again.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Ray of Hope
Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith spoke to Day&Night News during his visit to Chandigarh on 25th March.
Monday, March 28, 2011
"Rotary is making the world a better place" - Ray
After catching a few winks at Hotel Taj, he spent an hour with the participants of District 3080 Leadership Academy, whose 10th batch was on. In the evening, he mingled with the RI officers, and then over 300 Rotarians from all over the District in the auditorium of Chandigarh Judicial Academy.
After recognising the contributors to The Rotary Foundation and the volunteer doctors and Rotarians of Rotary Medical Missions, 'Rahat', he left the podium, and gracefully walked into the centre of the stage that established a great contact with the audience immediately.
He commended the Rotarians for their humanitarian work. "Thank you for being a Rotarian and doing what you do," he said.
"You're succeeding on the polio eradication remarkably," he added, "and it is the Rotarians in India who would win most of the credit for eradicating polio from the world."
Referring to the difficult time that the world economies went through in last couple of years with dwindling resources, he reiterated, "Rotary would not have been what it is today, without India."
He reminded every Rotarian to be proud of being a Rotarian, for "your efforts in contributing US$ 1 billion to polio eradication efforts worldwide, for the fellowship, for helping people in other countries."
"Keep in mind, Rotary is making the world a better place...and no one does it better," Ray concluded.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Meet Your Leader in a Beautiful Venue!

The best time to reach there is by 3:30pm. Register yourself and enjoy a warm cup of tea beside the swimming pool where President Ray would arrive and meet with you all.
The Intercity shall start sharp at 5pm, and because of the logistics, the tea shall not be available after 5 or after that. It is best to reach in time, and have the opportunity to meet the world leader.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Rotary International President to visit Chandigarh
Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith shall be in Chandigarh on 25th March 2011. A unique, momentous opportunity for the Rotarians and their families in our District to meet the world leader of Rotary International...face-to-face.

You can drive down to the city to reach by 4pm and seize the opportunity to shake hand with Ray, and get yourself photographed with him over hi-tea.
The Registration Fee for the Intercity is Rs.175 (single) and Rs.300 (couple). Kindly have your cheque, drawn in favour of "Rotary Club of Chandigarh" sent to Rotary House, 107A, Sector 18A, Chandigarh, immediately.
Rahat to Chindwara
Rotary Medical Mission, Rahat-2, from District 3080 to District 3040 left yesterday for the tribal District of Chindwara in Madhya Pradesh.
Led by DG Madhukar Malhotra with IPDG Chetan Aggarwal as Mission Director, and the originator of the programme, Past Rotary International President Raja Saboo as the mentor, are leading a team of nearly 20 doctors from different specialities, namely, general surgery, orthopedics, eye, ENT, urology, dental, plastic surgery, gynae, anesthesia, etc.
Another team of 15 doctors from District 3040 led by DG Mrs. Nalini Langer would be joining them at Nagpur.
There are 12 Rotary volunteers from District 3080 and nine from District 3040, who would be assisting the medical team.
PDG Rtn. Vivek Tankha, who played a stellar role in earlier similar medical mission to Mandala, is again at the helm of affairs in taking care of all logistics and coordinating with the local authorities.
The state government of Madhya Pradesh under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan is providing all support for the success of this mission. The medical mission is also supported by Minister of Health Shri Narottam Mishra, Secretary Health Mr S.R. Mohanti, Divisional Commissioner Mr Prabhat Pareshar, District Collector Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Joint Director Health Dr. J.L. Mishra, CMO Dr. G.C. Choursia, and civil surgeon Dr. Praveen Kumar Shrivastav.
The camp also has the blessings of Union Minister for Urban Development, Government of India, Shri Kamal Nath.
Funded by The Rotary Foundation, the partner District 3520, Taipei Southwest has collaborated in this mission.
The medical team which reached Nagpur today morning and is on its way to tribal district of Chidwara, is all gung-ho and is looking forward to a very large turnout at the camp.
Led by DG Madhukar Malhotra with IPDG Chetan Aggarwal as Mission Director, and the originator of the programme, Past Rotary International President Raja Saboo as the mentor, are leading a team of nearly 20 doctors from different specialities, namely, general surgery, orthopedics, eye, ENT, urology, dental, plastic surgery, gynae, anesthesia, etc.
Another team of 15 doctors from District 3040 led by DG Mrs. Nalini Langer would be joining them at Nagpur.
There are 12 Rotary volunteers from District 3080 and nine from District 3040, who would be assisting the medical team.
PDG Rtn. Vivek Tankha, who played a stellar role in earlier similar medical mission to Mandala, is again at the helm of affairs in taking care of all logistics and coordinating with the local authorities.
The state government of Madhya Pradesh under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan is providing all support for the success of this mission. The medical mission is also supported by Minister of Health Shri Narottam Mishra, Secretary Health Mr S.R. Mohanti, Divisional Commissioner Mr Prabhat Pareshar, District Collector Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Joint Director Health Dr. J.L. Mishra, CMO Dr. G.C. Choursia, and civil surgeon Dr. Praveen Kumar Shrivastav.
The camp also has the blessings of Union Minister for Urban Development, Government of India, Shri Kamal Nath.
Funded by The Rotary Foundation, the partner District 3520, Taipei Southwest has collaborated in this mission.
The medical team which reached Nagpur today morning and is on its way to tribal district of Chidwara, is all gung-ho and is looking forward to a very large turnout at the camp.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Doctors Needed
Calling all Doctors in District 3080, who are willing to volunteer their time to treat patients in the remote Chindwara area. The Rotary Medical Mission is scheduled from 7th to 16th March. All those who can willingly contribute to the good cause are requested to get in touch with DG Madhukar Malhotra immediately.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Next NID on 27th February
Reach out to your community, identify areas that have children below 5 years, or places where migrant labour is settling sites...brick kilns...industrial areas. Ensure that vaccine reaches them on 27th February.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Kalyan Banerjee unveils RI Theme 2011-12
RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjee will ask Rotarians to Reach Within to Embrace Humanity during the 2011-12 Rotary year.
Banerjee unveiled the RI theme during the opening plenary session of the 2011 International Assembly, a training event for incoming district governors.Read More.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Polio Warriors Reach Kolkata
Check out how the two polio warriors of our District are doing in their mission to traverse India and spread the polio-awareness.
Having started from Chandigarh on 28th December, they have reached Kolkata. Read their travellogue and check out some interesting photos they have posted on our blog. Click here for a quick tour.
Having started from Chandigarh on 28th December, they have reached Kolkata. Read their travellogue and check out some interesting photos they have posted on our blog. Click here for a quick tour.
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