Saturday, December 19, 2009
Why are you a Rotarian?
How can you get more involved?
Hear answers to these questions and more from Rotarians around the world with Rotary Minute. Each month, we’ll feature a new video about a topic of interest to you. Embed these videos on your club and district websites to share them with fellow club members, potential members, and the community.
Learn more about Rotary from club members themselves … in a Rotary Minute!
Click here to watch the video.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Another RCC in the offing
The preliminary meeting held today with the ladies and other residents, the agenda was set very clearly and hopefully next week another meeting will be held to start the process of empowering the residents for upgrading their lives.
Congrats once again to Rotary Chandigarh
Monday, December 14, 2009
DG's Official Visit to Panchkula
The Club is doing commendable job and has been able to accomplish two matching grants project under which they provided smart board to Jainendra Public School, as also a diathermy machine to Saket Hospital.
The club, under the leadership of Rtn. Sandeep Poddar, ably assisted by experienced secretary, PP Mahesh Chandgothia, and support of all its members, has ambitious plans for the future. Already its Kishori project has received accolade for the help they have provided to the young girls in schools in and around Panchkula, especially in the rural areas.
The highlight of the evening was the induction of three new members including the famous Panjabi folk singer Ms Dolly Guleria.
Rtn. Sabharwal was recognised who is a major donor to The Rotary Foundation, along with Rtn. Khunger who has decided to contribute to the Rotary Foundation's endowment fund. Many Rotarians came forwarded and became Paul Harris Fellows, which was highly creditable.
We are sure the Club shall continue to forge ahead with renewed enthusiasm and excel in every sphere.
Keep Your City Clean
In the recently held national conference on polythene and plastics held at NITTTR by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment, Home Secretary of Chandigarh Administration Mr. Ram Niwas, implored the citizens to help keep the city clean.
This indeed is a big challenge and I request Rotarians to join in this CLEAN CITY MISSION.
What can be done?
-Each one of us in our own sectors must convene a meeting of the local resident associations and the shopkeepers bodies, to discuss the issue, since all must join to vow that they would not litter the household garbage, and so will not the shopkeepers in the sector markets. Let the Rotarians lead, and show the way to them, and supervise the work.
Collectively, garbage disposal bins should be provided in the market place.
-The public health department sweepers must be assigned for regularly sweeping the roads and market places.
-When you go out for a morning walk, do take time to remove plastic bags, wrappers, paper trash from the gardens and side walks and put them in the garbage bins.
-Tell others not to little in the public places.
-Organise talks in the schools and colleges in the vicinity to involve the youngsters and sensitize them to be a part of the CLEAN CITY campaign.
- Make Children ambassadors in this CLEAN CITY Campaign, who will keep a check on littering at home and outside and would not allow their parents to litter roads while driving, or walking, and these children should approach any other person doing so, to request, "Uncle, Please keep our city clean".
Each Club should prepare a report of the initiative taken by their members and inform me. However, more ideas would be welcome in this direction.
I am sure, together we can show the way.
Rotary Community Corps Chandigarh Midtown
It was a pleasure meeting with them and sharing the tremendous work that they are dong in their respective areas, right from educating the needy, to donating blood, and helping their fellow beings who are physically challenged.
People refer to them 'disabled', but through their work that they are "differently abled" and much more inspired and enthusiastic to change their own life for the better.
These three RCCs were formed last year and have been successfully nurtured by the club's chair for RCC, Dr. V.J.S. Vohra, and this year, under the able leadership of Rtn. Pres Gurdip Singh Deep, it intends to create ripple in the society through their outstanding work.
My heartiest felicitations to Midtowners, and the commendable projects they are undertaking through these most powerful RCCs. Keep it up.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Vocational Service: Is it the abandoned avenue?
But Vocational Service is much more than that. It touches the very core of our professional and business conduct; our personal value system; and the way we live our lives. It touches our daily conduct in dealing with people and situations. Whether we are walking the talk, or just talking, or paying lip service?
The public image of Rotary is dependent upon the public and private conduct of each individual Rotarian, and how ethical one is in one's life.
PDG Shaju Peter vehemently pointed out the growing rot in our society today, and how Rotary's image in India was getting a beating because of internal strife, mismanagement of The Rotary Foundation's grants money, financial bunglings, to name just a few.
He said that there is no better time than now to conduct a self-audit under the principles of the Four Way Test. This is the time, he emphasised, to go through the Rotary's Declaration.
Shaju quoted Past Rotary International President Raja Saboo's speech at the last International Assembly which was received with thunderous applause on the subject, where he asked that every Rotarian should just ask oneself, as to what one would do if the news is to appear in the major newspaper on the front page? Whether one would go ahead with an action, if one's children have to follow suit? And whether one would be able to face one's mother and tell her about those actions?
Rotary, he said, is a singular voluntary body in the world that upholds professional and business ethics as supreme value for every Rotarian.
The former chief minister of Himachal Pradesh and Member of Parliament, Shri Shanta Kumar, was equally vehement in condemning the degrading moral values in our country. He lamented the fact that once India was known as the seat of spiritual and moral learnings, but the recent survey by Transparency International has rated India as one of the most corrupt nations in the world.
It is a sad commentary on India, which was once known as the 'golden sparrow', is one of the countries in the world where maximum number of poor, diseased, and illiterate people live.
The rot has set in from the top and even the judiciary has also come into the grips of greed and corruption, he said. There is sheer madness everywhere to acquire wealth in whatever means one can, and there is no repentance anywhere, he remarked.
He asked the Rotarians to be the role models in the society, and do not compromise with honesty, and intellectuals like Rotarians should come forward to raise their voice against the corrupt who are in any case in miniority, urged Shri Shanta Kumar.
He adviced the younger generation to do our best truthfully, honestly, and should not accept any wrong, injustice or corrupt practice.
This was an exceptionally useful and invaluable seminar that provided food for thought for everyone who cared to listen and participate in the programme. It may be a difficult task but not unsurmountable, because the battle for this will not start anywhere is from within that we shall have to make a beginning to bring about the change. We have to be the change that we want to see in the world.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Fight against polio
Friday, November 27, 2009
Blood Donation
On 25th and 26th, we saw two blood donation camps that Rtn Hassan Mejie conducted for the Club at Fatehgarh Saheb. The local administration was actively involved and the team of doctors from Rotary Blood Bank Society Blood Resource Centre, led by Col. Dr. R.S. Shah was there.
The Deputy Commissioner and other district functionaries were present on the first day. On the second day, Mr. Rajan Kashyap, Chairman of our Blood Resource Centre was the chief guest and even on the second day DC visited the place.
Our heartiest compliments to everyone who made these camps a success.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Zone 3 goes full steam
Chandigarh Midtown held a blood donation camp on 12th November at Dev Samaj College with Rotaractors and Inner Wheel as enthusiastic partners. Mayor of Chandigarh Mrs Kamlesh was the chief guest and 70 units of blood was donated by the girls. The credit of course goes to Dr Meera Modi and faculty in giving their full support to the noble cause. An equally successful camp was organised by Rotaractors of Chandigarh Midtown on 5th November at the Panjab University where over 50 units of the blood was collected. The Club is already planning another camp at village Khuda Ali Sher on 13th December, besides a medical camps at Sarangpur on 31st November and a Urology ENT camp on 6th December.
Panchkula also held a blood donation camp at Doon School, and another one has been planned at Barwala next week.
Rotary Club Chandigarh also organised a blood donation camp at Hotel Aroma today, in association with Darshan Darvesh Foundation and was ably supported by the Allied Institute of Hotel Management and Culinary Arts, Panchkula. Mr. Ram Niwas, Home Secretary, UT Administration was the chief guest, with Mr. D.K.Bansal, MLA from Panchkula, former mayors Mrs Harjinder Kaur and Mr Pardip Chhabra, Mrs. Saroop Krishan and many other dignitaries present on the occasion.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
RI's Strategic Plan
The priorities are:
* Support and strengthen clubs.
* Focus and increase humanitarian service.
* Enhance public image and awareness.
Following a mandate from the Council on Legislation, the Board recently conducted a triennial review of the plan. This review included surveying 14,000 Rotarians worldwide about the organization's priorities and holding focus groups to assess Rotary's image in different countries.
In addition, the Strategic Planning Committee carried out a detailed analysis of Rotary's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges and considered its findings in relation to the organization's mission, vision, and strategic priorities.
The revised plan, effective July 2010, reflects the results of this research. For example, survey responses clearly linked membership growth to strong clubs, and external data indicated that opportunities for service and networking are Rotary's greatest appeal.
The plan also unifies the strategic direction of RI and The Rotary Foundation by emphasizing the connection between clubs' most popular service areas and the areas of focus in the Foundation's Future Vision Plan.
Moving forward, the Strategic Planning Committee and the RI Board will continue to refine the goals attached to each priority and develop tactics for achieving and measuring success.
"The revised strategic plan focuses RI's efforts on the clubs and getting back to basics," says RI Director Thomas Thorfinnson. "RI's main role should be supporting clubs and helping them to expand their service and publicize the accomplishments of their efforts." CJ
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Polio Plus Seminar on 15th November
Please confirm your participation immediately in the forthcoming District PolioPlus Orientation Seminar at Gangoh on 15th November. Respond back
Please also come prepared with your suggestions on how you intend to take this campaign forward so that in whatever locality you work in, what steps you think you would be taking to banish polio from our neighbourhood.
Please coordinate with each other to organise a car pool.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Attack Polio. Strategic Meet on 15th November.
You can make the Difference!
Dear Rotary leader:
The children of the world need you. They are looking at you with great hope and confidence that just as Rotarians have banished polio from most part of the world, you will be able to do so in your own country too.
You as President, along with your President Elect, Director Community Service, and Chairperson PolioPlus Committee in the Club are a part of this strategic team.
PDG Shubkarn Gupta NPPC member, DG Chetan Aggarwal, District Trainer PDG Dr. R.S. Parmar, Counselor PDG Dr. Gulshan Thakral, Commissioner Meerut, D.M. Saharrnpur, CMO Saharanpur and Local Member of Parliament would be the main speakers at the seminar.
A new concept of organizing ORS and Zinc Camps at least 30 days before NID for preventing Children from diarrhea was taken up at NPPC meeting and 40 locations in our Rotary district are to be decided where such camps would be arranged in the first week of December, 2009.
To discuss it further, please reach Gangoh on Sunday, 15th November by 9:30am for registration and breakfast. The session would start at 10:30am.
Venue of the meeting is Balaji Gardens in Gangoh, which is 40kms from Saharanpur via Sarsawa and is at a distance of 36 kms from Karnal.
Please confirm your participation.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Polio Plus Seminar on 15th November
There is NO REGISTRATION fee for the Club President, Secretary, and Club's Chairman for PolioPlus. Registration charges for others upto 9th November is Rs.400 Single and Rs.700 with spouse. On-the-spot Registration for others shall be Rs.450 and Rs.750 respectively.
Let's be there to continue our fight to banish polio from our country.
- Madhukar Malhotra
Monday, November 2, 2009
Gurpurab Greetings
Do your work and perform your duty and serve with complete devotion, truthfulness, and honesty. And in doing so if you remember the name of the Almighty, that would not let you deviate from your truthful path of service. And last 'wand shako', is to always share your love, care, riches, with others...selflessly.
Let us celebrate of our being by continuing to remember his great teachings.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
RCC Chandigarh in News
Rotary Community Corps has always evinced keen interest as a powerful tool for sustainable development. Chandigarh Newsline of Indian Express has carried a story on the RCC that Rotary Club of Chandigarh established in Colony No.5. Just Click here to read the full story.
And during the District Governor's Official Visit to Rotary Chandigarh Shivalik on 30th October, I visited the village Perch where the RCC was set up and was featured even in the Rotary's Manual on RCC. The examplary work being done by the locals is commendable. A bridge built by the Rotarians at that time connected two villages which used to remain cut off during rains. Today the club is running a school.
Please do share your RCC's story with us too.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
How strong is your club!
As I proded further, I found that all of us have the tendency to point a finger at someone else. We can pontificate and advice yet refuse to become a part of the solution.
Just ask yourself...what makes an organisation or a club? A club is not one person. It is the members or the people who constitute a club. If we label our club to be weak, what does it mean? We are weak. But just ask yourself: Are You Weak? No? Emphatic NO? If you are strong, committed, vibrant, and enthusiastic about the values that Rotary portrays, there is no way that any club can go weak.
Look within. You are the powerhouse and the driver as a valuable part of your club. Surely, you are strong enough to help the client to stay strong. So you will, so be it. CJ
Friday, October 30, 2009
PolioPlus Seminar on 15th November
The seminar is mandatory for the Club President, Club Secretary, and PolioPlus Chairman in your Club, and there is no registration fee for them.
Each Club is expected to participate.
Kindly confirm your participation, along with names and classification, who would be attending from your Club by Monday, 2nd November, positively.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
International Youth Exchange students in Chandigarh

Eight students from Germany are in the city for four-weeks under the Rotary’s International Youth Exchange Programme.
These students have been hosted by the families of Rotarians of Rotary Clubs of Chandigarh Central and Ropar so that they are able to learn about the lifestyles and culture of India, said Rtn. Navjit Singh Aulakh, District 3080 Chairman for International Youth Exchange.
These students are in the city till 30th October and have visited Delhi, Agra, Amritsar, Shimla and Jaipur, informed Rtn. President Harjit Singh Saggu, Rotary Chandigarh Central, whose members are hosting these youngsters.
An interaction with the media was organised with the media and the young 'ambassadors' shared their experiences with the reporters.
Mr Nils Yannic Cirkel has been stuck with the variety of cusines and could never imagine different ways the Indian vegetables could be cooked, though these are a little spicy.
Mr Silvan Steiner is all praise for the Indian weather, the Germany being too cold at this time of the year, but more than anything else, he said, it is the warmth and hospitality of the Indian family he is living with that has touched him the most.
Ms Belinda Vogt, who just reached back from Agra by morning Shatabadi, was surprised by the variety of vehicles on the Indian roads.
Hilda and Jocelin, both 17, from Taiwan are in the city and studying in class 9th in Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan since August under the Rotary’s one year youth exchange programme. Both of them have picked up Hindi conversational tips from their regular classes at the school, and are enjoying themselves thoroughly.
Hilda is mesmerized by the monuments in India especially the Golden temple in Amritsar which she visited recently while Indian weddings and traditional Indian costumers have enamoured Jocelin.
Rotary’s objective is to encourage people-to-people contact amongst different countries and build bridges of better understanding and goodwill through such exchange programmes.
Later in the evening on 26th October, they attended the regular meeting of Rotary Club of Chandigarh at Rotary House, and presented flags of their sponsoring club i.e. from Germany and Taiwan, to President Rtn. G.S. Lakhmna.
Media Coverage
The media interaction with Youth Exchange students was covered in some of the leading English and vernacular newspapers:
HT City/ Page 4 (with photo)
They are loving it!
Chandigarh Newsline/Page 7 (with 2 photos)
The big switch
The Tribune/lifestyle/Page 3 (with photo)
An affair to remember
Chandigarh Bhaskar/Page 1 (with photo)
Classroom chhota ho to, samajh mein aata hai behtar
Amar Ujala/ My City/Page 3 (with photo)
Vyanjano ke mureed hue videshi chhatar
Chandigarh kesari/Page 2
German ke youth ambassador tricity mein
Sohni City/ Hindustan/ Page 3
German ke youth ambassador pahunche Chandigarh
Friday, October 23, 2009
What are you doing to banish Polio?
Thanks to Jonas Salk who was born on this day, and developed the first safe and effective polio vaccine.
Thanks to Rotary who took up the challenge to fight the disease and banish it from this earth.
Thanks to Rotarians like YOU who made it happen.
Thanks to Bill & Melinda Gates who contributed USD 355 to Rotary to fight it out and clear it from the four countries that still remain polio affected, including our own country.
Thanks to Rotarians like YOU who are contributing USD30 every year to raise USD200 to match the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's challenge.
What can we do?
a. The campaign requires USD200 million to be raised to receive the Bill and Melinda Gate's foundation's contributions. Organise club fundraiser this year.
b. Organise the screening of "The Final Inch", the Academy Award-nominated, 38-minute Documentary.
Got more ideas?
Please share it. And Celebrate the Joy of being a Rotarian. Celebrate the Power that each one of You have to save the children from polio. You have the power to kick it out.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Rotary Community Corps
Two Clubs in our Zone 3 have shown remarkable dedication to establish the Rotary Community Corps...Rotary Club of Chandigarh and Chandigarh Central.
In our Zone 3, on August 9 the first RCC was set up in Colony No.5. And today, October 21, the second RCC has been set up in village Kishangarh.
My compliments to Rtn. Pres G.S. Lakhmna of Rotary Chandigarh and Rtn. Pres. H.S. Saggu of Chandigarh Central.
While RCC in Colony No 5 has seen active involvement of 20 RCC members in two massive medical camps organised by the Club in the colony.
The RCC Kishangarh is looking at bringing about improvements in garbage disposal, sanitation, paving the 'kutcha' streets, drainage system, and even expediting the construction of a High School-cum-playground-cum-community centre with the help of the Chandigarh Education Department and Administration.
Mr Nirmal Singh, the Principal of Government Middle School in the village is one of the key member and motivator with Sarpanch of the village Devender Lobana rearing to get into action with his plans.
While RCC at Colony No 5 (sponsored by Rotary Chandigarh) caters to nearly 40,000 population of slum dwellers, the village Kishangarh has a population of over 10,000.
RCC is the most innovative and highly effective concept that can engage the community in bringing about the change they want in their neighbourhood through their own physical and financial involvements with Rotary providing the leadership, direction, and resourcefulness.
I have no doubt other Rotary Clubs in our zone shall also follow suit and move ahead in this direction.
My congratulations to both the club presidents for their success with RCC.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Rotary Foundation Seminar
The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands is secure only when every Rotarian gives selflessly. And what better way to give than The Rotary Foundation, which multiplies our contributions manifolds and reaches out to the people across the globe to meet their needs.
We, in the north, are familiar with 'Dasvandh', which our religions promote; i.e. taking a part of your earnings and contributing it to the welfare of the community. The Rotary Foundation requires your support, so that every Rupee that you contribute comes back to you in much larger measures.
To understand and strengthen The Rotary Foundation, let us be at Dehradun on Sunday, the 25th October at Dehradun, and discover the magic of multiplying your contributions.
Please register yourself immediately.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
GSE Team Hosting
All Clubs in our Zone have a great track record of hosting these "ambassadors of goodwill", and I have no doubt, you will be able to provide the Day or Night Hosting for the GSE team in the most befitting manner.
Since this information is required immediately, kindly confirm your option either for Day/Night Hosting of guests after talking to your International Service Director/Club Committee Chair for GSE Hosting.
Since the District is finalising the programme, which will be shared with you subsequently, your prompt response shall be highly appreciated.
Can I expect your response by 12th of October?
Look forward to hearing from you.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Your October Checklist
a. Plan a meeting and activites for Vocational Service month
b. Some of the projects that the Clubs can undertake are :
- Recognise people in the community with Vocational Awards who have gone beyond the call of their duty to demonstrate excellence;
- Career counselling seminar in any of your Rotaract/Interact Clubs or any schools
- Arrange visits of the professional institutes to your business establishment/industry, etc.
- Promote ethical conduct at work place
- Display The 4-Way Test posters at your office and home
- Organise some debate/essay writing competition amongst schools/colleges on ethical values
- Organise panel discussion amongst members on The Four Way Test.
- Include The Four Way Test plaque as a part of the New Members' Kit.
Will welcome new initiatives and suggestions from all of you. CJ
The Vocation of Our Vocation!
The Rotarians who rose to lead our organization had been great visionaries and thinkers, who innovated and experimented with new ideas to make this world a better place. And fundamental to this entire exercise had been “the recognition of the worthiness of all dignified occupations”, and making it a vehicle for doing good to the society by pursuing ethical norms of conduct.
“Ethics and business don’t go together” is a common refrain of many. But over the years, many Rotarians have proven them wrong by following ethical conduct in their business or profession and there are numerous instances to quote. Ethical conduct requires a deep understanding of one’s own vocation, how it impacts the lives of all the stakeholders that are a part of one’s business or professions. Rotary catapults any vocation into the next higher level of practice by making it a tool to serve. The term ‘serve’ itself is all about being honest and humble. The ethical conduct in one’s profession that Rotary enjoins every Rotarian to adopt, leads one on to the true path of selfless service, making one a better human being at every step.
As October comes, the Rotary world focuses on vocational service. But this is a process that is not to be confined to the ‘celebrating’ or ‘observing’ the month through some standard activities. It is the point from where we can start a new journey of self-realisation. And for those who do wonder about ethical dilemmas, refer to the ‘Four Way Test’. Apply it today. Apply it every day. And you will get the answer. CJ
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monthly Report
Please share the information with me at the earliest. And don't forget to send at least one good project photograph for the GML.
Please pick up the phone and share your joys...the joy of giving.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Intercity on The Rotary Foundation
The Early Bird Registration charges are (till September 30, 200)
Single Rs.550
Couple Rs. 1000
From October 1st to October 24th
Single Rs.600
Couple Rs.1100
On-the-Spot Registration
Single Rs.650
Couple Rs.1200
You can register yourself directly by sending your registration fee through bank transfer, making a cheque on the name of “Rotary Club Dehradun Intercity Account” Number 306802010315726 on the Union Bank of India, Rajpur Road, Dehradun.
For further queries please get in touch with Rtn Pres Anuj S. Singh, Rotary Club Dehradun, Mobile 09927091657 or the Intercity Chairman, PP Rtn. Rakesh Aggarwal, Mobile 9837041056
Please confirm your participation to me. We need a good contingent, especially the members of the Board, the incoming leadership, and the TRF Chair and Co-Chair from your Club.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Rotarian on Google
Now check out past issues of The Rotarian are which are now available on Google Books. Flip back the pages of time to see what the magazine looked like in decades past.
Just click here. The Rotarian On Google
Heartiest Congratulations to Maneet
In the recently concluded mega IT event, eRevolution2009, our Rotarian, Rtn. Maneet Singh, President Rotary Club of Chandigarh Shivalik, and managing director of ADI Back Office, bagged the STPI Highest Export Award in SME Category for Punjab.
Our heartiest congratulations to Maneet and his team for excellent performance and attaining leadership in the entire state of Punjab.
Friday, September 4, 2009
September Checklist
a. Plan a meeting for New Generations Month
b. Check out possibilities for a new Rotaract/Interact Club in your community
c. Start promoting the District Conference scheduled in February at Haridwar.
d. Of course, before that please be ready with your plans to make use of the opportunity to discuss your matching grants project ideas, participating in PolioPlus initiatives, and increasing contribution to The Rotary Foundation.
e. Send your monthly club activities report, along with the Attendance Report.
f. Monitor membership development initiatives and goals.
g. Plan a new project this month.
Best wishes,
New Generation Month is here
The New Generation is bubbling with new ideas, and they lend energy, freshness, and brightness to our Rotary projects through their active involvement.
Have you thought of sponsoring a new Rotaract Club or an Interact Club? Let's bring together the youngsters of our city together and engage them in creative pursuits that can develop their leadership abilities and channelise their energies into highly meaningful and productive activities.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Why am I a Rotarian?
My special thanks to all the Rotarians who joined in these meaningful discussions and contributed their thoughts so effectively.
More Hands More Service
Rotarians of host club, Jagadhri North, have made elaborate arrangements to welcome you but they would require your prompt response to make appropriate arrangements. I shall therefore appreciate if you can send the information about your representatives at the seminar in the following format please :
Name of Rotarian
Call Name
Club Name
Your quick response shall be deeply appreciated. Please send the complete list to host club President Rtn. Dr. Darshan Pal Bansal 098120 21838, or Registration Chair Rtn Ashwani Goel (098120 05400) with a copy to me.
The Registration fee is Rs.600 Single and Rs.1150 Couple.
Venue is Kamal Palace, Industrial Area, Yamunanagar.
Please be there by 9:00 am for Registration and Breakfast.
The Seminar shall be over with lunch.
Kindly respond.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Rotary United Nations Day
Rotary-United Nations Day is being celebrated in New York, USA.
The Saturday meeting is scheduled from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at UN Headquarters and will include presentations and panel discussions addressing Millennium Goals, and key humanitarian issues such as water, health, literacy, and hunger.
United Nations leaders, representatives from key nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and Rotary International leaders will all address the group. There will also be a separate youth program for Rotaractors and high-school age students. NOTE: UN building tours are not available on Saturday, so those interested in this should do so on Friday morning.
Advance registration is necessary by October 23rd for security reasons at Saturday meeting registration can be done on line at: Cost is US$37.50, which includes a box lunch.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
More Hands More Service
To discuss these and many other issues, let us participate and express our views at the Membership Development Seminar on Sunday, 30th August at Kamal Palace, Industrial Area, Yamunanagar.
This half day event would discuss various aspects of membership development and retention.
The registration fee is Rs.550 (single) and Rs.1050 (couple) till 15th August. However, we shall accept the same fee till 17th August, Monday. The registration charges thereafter shall be Rs.600 and 1150 respectively.
Club Presidents in Zone 3 are requested to collect the dues and send the same on 17th August so that the names of participants can be sent to the organisers.
I shall appreciate your prompt response.
Best wishes. CJ
Kalyan Banerjee visits Chandigarh
Both Rtn. Kalyan Banerjee and Ann Binota were received at the airport by Past Rotary International President R.K. Saboo and Usha ji, District Governor Chetan Aggarwal, and later in the evening, a quick reception was organised in his honour at Hotel Taj, which was attended by most of the RI Officers of our District with their spouses, some of the Assistant Governors and District functionaries who could make it to the city at such a short notice.
Speaking on the occasion Past Rotary International President recalled his first meeting in Surat in December 1978 at the District Conference where he made an audio-visual presentation on the District activities. "He has grown taller in all those years, and has made India proud", he said.
"Kalyan has brought a special gift to all of us in India, as he would be touching the Rotarians around the world with Indian ethos and Indian culture," Rtn Saboo added.
Rtn. Kalyan Banerjee, humbly expressed his gratitude to all the Rotarians of District 3080 for his first "unofficial reception" since, he said, he is the nominee of the Rotary International President's Nominating Committee at the moment.
"We are however going to start a new chapter in Rotary life by meeting you all, here in a city where heart of Rotary resides, and for Binota and I, it is a pilgrimage to the Mecca of Rotary," Kalyan Banerjee remarked.
"I am sure that we would not have reached thismilestone in Rotary without Raja and Usha, who had been so humble, and when the announcement came, Raja called up to thank me for the perfect birthday gift that he received from me, which perfectly demonstrate his greatness as a true leader."
"I will look at the future with guidance of all Rotarians to meet the challenges of tomorrow," he concluded.
As a token of their gratitude, Rtn Kalyan Banerjee and Ann Binota presented shawl each to Past Rotary International President Raja Saboo and Usha.
On behalf of the District senior RI Officer, PDG Lakshmi Sagar, presented a beautifully carved idol of Ganesha to the couple.
It was momentous occasion to share those beautiful evening with Rtn. Kalyan Banerjee, whom District Governor Chetan Aggarwal described as a Savior, a dedicated humanitarian who is out to serve the humanity most befittingly, true to his name, "Kalyan".
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Kalyan Banerjee is third Indian to be the Rotary International President
Congratulations to the Rotary fraternity. The Rotary International has nominated
Rtn. Kalyan Banerjee of Vapi, Gujarat, to be the 3rd Indian to assume the leadership of Rotary world in 2011-12.
Our heartiest congratulations to Rtn. Pres. Kalyan Banerjee.
We had the opportunity of interacting with him at the installation of Rotary Club of Chandigarh's installation function of Rtn. Dr. S.K. Duggal for 2008-09 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
Kalyan Banerjee will become the president-nominee on 1 October if there are no challenging candidates.
Banerjee said he would like to see Rotary "blossom from being the world's most recognized service organization to being the most important NGO [nongovernmental organization] in the world.
"Rotary, it is said, has the strength of a government and the tenderness of a parent," he added.
Banerjee is a director of United Phosphorus Limited, the largest agrochemical manufacturer in India, and the chair of United Phosphorus (Bangladesh) Limited. He is a member of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers and the American Chemical Society, a past president of Vapi Industries Association, and former chair of the Gujarat chapter of the Confederation of Indian Industry. He earned a degree in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, in 1964.
Banerjee has served Rotary as a director, Rotary Foundation trustee, committee and task force chair, International Assembly group discussion leader, president's representative, and district governor.
The chair of the Southeast Asia Regional PolioPlus Committee, Banerjee has served as a member of the International PolioPlus Committee for many years and has attended international meetings with the World Health Organization and UNICEF in that capacity.
Banerjee is a Major Donor, Benefactor, and Bequest Society member, and has been awarded the Foundation's Citation for Meritorious Service and its Distinguished Service Award.
Banerjee also serves as a trustee of Rotary club-sponsored trusts that support many educational and community development programs in India, including a 250-bed hospital.
He noted that Rotary's strengths include its ability to attract leaders from different vocations around the world, as well as its role in promoting peace. "Rotary needs to become the preferred organization for today's generation to join and participate in, to make the world better and safer and happier," he said.
Banerjee's wife, Binota, is a social worker and Inner Wheel club member. The couple have two children and four grandchildren.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
'Departure Lounge'
You must have been reading about the dilapidated state of the cremation grounds in Chandigarh and Manimajra. In 2005-06 till 2007, Rotary Club of Chandigarh had undertaken a massive beautification drive in association with the Municipal Corporation in which our Club members participated actively to draw a layout plan, got green area developed, installed a tubewell, operationalised the electric crematorium, replaced the fans, etc.
However, the situation is back to square one and there are drastic changes that need to be done to bring about changes in these 'Departure Lounges' so that the family members who come here should experience dignity, peace, and emotional strength in these last hours of departure of their nears and dear ones.
I request all the Rotarian leadership in our Zone 3 to please come together and jointly take up the beautification of all cremation grounds in Chandigarh, Manimajra, and Panchkula.
We have the support of the Municipal Corporation Chandigarh and I am sure District Administration would definitely support this initiative if Rotary Club of Panchkula also takes it up.
Our Rotarian and Municipal Councillor Pallav Mukherjee, would like to accompany the Club Presidents or any other Rotarian which the club may nominate for this project, for an initial recci on Monday, 10th August 2009 at 9am. All of us shall meet at the cremation ground in Sector 25 for the first hand assessment of the situation.
I am sure all of us can jointly make the difference.
Have you added new Hands?
More the merrier. Though of course you have to be very cautious in selecting the right kind of members from the community who are the leaders in their respective professions, are willing to devote their time and money for larger good of the society, and meet the attendance criteria.
The best way is to review and update your classification roster and then identify professionals or entrepreneurs, who are on the top rung of their organisation and can contribute effectively to Rotary.
Please be rigorous in the induction process and follow the entire procedure religiously, sharing the obligation a member has in terms of financials, attendance, and active participation in club projects.
In order to achieve the District membership targets, it is imperative that you continue this process of bringing in new members into Rotary every month, which would ultimately prove rewarding.
Also inform your director club services, chairmen membership development, chairman classifications, and members of your board of directors to attend the Membership Development Seminar on 29th August at Yamunanagar. Register yourself before 15th August for early bird discounts.
Your Monthly Reports Please
Also please let me have the Attendance Data for July09 asap.
Look forward to your prompt response please.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Live What you Speak, advises Rtn. K.R. Ravindran
A complete professional, focussed on the Rotary values and mission, Rtn. Ravindran, while addressing the Assistant Governors and other District officers in Rotary District 3080 Headquarter, was emphatic that Rotarians have the capabilities to undertake much larger projects that can address more serious issues that impact the society.
"My purpose here is to empower you to make Rotary a true instrument of change," he remarked.
He said that Rotary has the best organisational capabilities and knowledge pool of diverse vocations, and a very strong value system that embraces the highest ethical values of conduct in every aspect of our lives. And being in Rotary it becomes all the more imperative for Rotarians to truly imbibe those values and follow them through their actions.
Live the Talk, was his emphatic message to everyone.
Later at the District Intercity hosted by Rotary Club of Chandigarh he dwelt upon the power that Rotary represents throughout the world because of the great pool of dedicated Rotarians. He also emphasized the need for the Rotarians to be more honest, transparent, accountable, and trustworthy as the world looks up to them with great expectations.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
RI Director K.R. Ravindran's visit
On 3rd August, Monday, he is visiting several projects of local Rotary Clubs, guided by Rtn PDG Shaju Peter.
After lunch at 3pm in the Rotary District Headquarter, he is meeting all the Assistant Governors and some of the District officers over a cup of tea.
At 5pm he is expected to join the Rotarians at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, on Madhya Marg, Sector 27, Chanigarh, which is the venue for the District Intercity.
Rotary Chandigarh Shivalik is having this as a joint meeting on Monday, and we look forward to the participation of every Rotarian of all the Clubs in our Zone 3.
This is one of such programmes where the presence of Rotarians from all the five clubs in our Zone would get the opportunity to be together and strengthen Rotary through collective participation.
I look forward to your presence along with your club contingents on Monday evening for District Intercity.
Monday, July 27, 2009
SAR submission
Get Cracking...Together!
In all these installation functions we had thinkers, visionaries, and administrators, who presided over these meetings and left food for thought for everyone.
Now, each of the clubs in our Zone can do wonder. And look at the opportunities that have been provided to the Rotarians to extend themselves to the service of society.
For instance, Dr. Mirchia at the installation of Panchkula assured that his clinic services would be available to all those deserving cases recommended by the Rotarians.
Mr. S.S. Channy, IAS, Principal Secretary Industries, Govt of Punjab, at Rotary Chandigarh Shivalik, asked the Rotarians to look at the growing poverty around our towns where Rotarians can make the difference.
Mr. Pradip Mehra, IAS, Advisor to the Administrator, UT Chandigarh, at the Chandigarh Midtown's installation, focussed on the drug abuse and rain harvesting problems of the city.
And at the installation of Rotary Club of Chandigarh, Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court, Mr. T.S. Thakur, expressed his desire to associate High Court in reaching out to the poor and downtrodden with awareness about their legal rights.
And only last week, the Chandigarh Administration organised a workshop on female foeticide at Tagore Theatre, where the Home Secretary, asked the NGOs to bring about the change in the society.
These and similar projects abound where all our Clubs in Zone 3 can devise projects on these lines and bring about the desired change.
I shall welcome any idea where we can move together in any of the areas.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
District Intercity to Welcome Rtn K.R. Ravindran
The 3rd August 2009 has been finalised for the District Intercity to welcome this distinguished Rotarian.
Please keep your dates free for 3rd August. The venue is right there on Madhya Marg, Sector 27, Chandigarh, the airconditioned auditorium of Bhavan Vidyalaya.
The timings are being finalised by our District Governor Chetan Aggarwal, and it shall either be in the evening, at 4:30pm or 5:30pm, and shall be intimated to you by tomorrow.
The registration fee for the District Intercity is a nominal Rs.150 (single) and Rs.250 (couple).
We look forward to your participation. And in case you can confirm to me the number of members who would be participating from your Club, this would be a great help.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Your SAR
I wish to congratulate the new teams which have taken over after a formal installation functions, and look forward to your regular update on the projects being undertaken so that these can be incorporated in the Governor's Monthly Letter.
Keep Shining. Future of Rotary is in Your Hands.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sandeep and Team installed at Panchkula
The function was crisply organised and must compliment Rtn Pradeep Aggarwal, the outgoing President and his team for setting standards of excellence in Rotary, and I have no doubt, the year ahead shall see Sandeep's team taking it to still greater heights.
I must compliment Sandeep for very innovative idea of providing one 'coin box', a traditional 'gulak' to each and every Rotarian in the Club to put money every day into it and bring it to the Club later in the year as their contribution to The Rotary Foundation. Panchkula club has given a new dimension to the Foundation giving.
Another novel idea floated is to inspire every Rotarian to get involved in service projects and Sandeep has asked every Rotarian to undertake one project in their area and club would reward them with Rs.1000 for their initiatives.
Excellent example of involving the club members and I compliment the new team which, I am sure, would continue to innovate and make Rotary more strong, visible, and a symbol of hope.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
DG's Official Visit
30 October 2009: RC Chandigarh Shivalik
12 December 2009: RC Panchkula
4 January 2010: RC Chandigarh
23 January 2010: RC Chandigarh Central
26 March 2010: RC Chandigarh Midtown
Some Essentials for July
a. July 1 is the date for submission of semi-annual dues, which I hope has been taken care of;
b. Those of you who have yet to send me the proforma for "Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs" must send it to me at the earliest.
c. Finalise the Installation Days and be over with it.
d. Review your Club plans for service projects under the Four Avenues of Service, and assign Rotarians in the club to start the implementation process. Please keep me informed about your Club activities.
e. Share your dreams and plans with your club members through regular publication of your club bulletin. Please put me on your mailing list as well as the DG and District Secretary to keep me in touch with you.
Have a Great Year.
The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands
As you begin your year as leaders of your respective Rotary Clubs, I send my heartiest best wishes for your success in the year ahead.
You are going to make a difference in the lives of the people around you, and you will be the visionary, the dreamer, and the one, who would involve every Rotarian in the club to make those dreams come true...since each one of us is the custodian of the future of our children, as you lead with the commitment and understanding that "the Future of Rotary is in Your Hands".
Let's make it a memorable year for everyone.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
"You and I are created for goodness"
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu said Rotary's dedication to peace in the world makes God smile.
He said how he envisions God looking down on His creation and crying when He sees all the bad things His children are doing to each other. But, Tutu said, then God looks again and sees Rotary. Rotary's dedication to peace in the world makes God smile.
More on RI Convention Update
Arnab Goswami, chief editor of India's English-news network Times Now, which broadcast three days of live coverage of the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, used the incident as a case history of how media coverage shapes government response. Goswami said that in India and Pakistan, pressure from the media influenced how both countries' governments handled the crisis.
Goswami advocated a global perspective for the decision makers in the media. "The attacks weren't just an Indian story. When we look at conflict, we often look at it as someone else's conflict," he said.
Past RI President Rajendra K. Saboo encouraged attendees to forge stronger ties with the media to help get the good news out about Rotary's contributions. In addition, he suggested that media professionals apply to the certificate program at Chulalongkorn University, home to one of the Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution. The program has already trained five journalists and several other professionals who regularly work with the media in peace and conflict resolution.
Accountability and telling it like it is are critical components of building peace, said Jan Egeland, director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. Egeland was the UN secretary-general's special adviser for conflict prevention and resolution from 2006 to 2008.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Important Dates
10am District Awards Function at Yamunanagar
2nd July
6pm DG Chetan Aggarwal's Installation: Ropar
7pm Rotary Club Panchkula Installation, RVTC, Panchkula
4th July
7:30pm Rotary Club of Chandigarh Central Installation,
PHD House, Sector 31, Chandigarh
13th July
6:30pm Rotary Club of Chandigarh Installation,
RVTC, Sector 18, Chandigarh
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Joint Meeting
Just in case you are unable to shift your regular meeting to this day, my request is to mark this date so as to be here together.
Best wishes to you all. It is just 14 days more to go to your year.
DG's Installation
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Your Essential Communication Tools
Please send per courier a copy of your Club bylaws, a copy of your current club bulletin, and detail of your board of directors and the committee chair, and soft copy of the club roster.
I am also awaiting from some of my club members the names of probable speakers whom each club in our zone can invite for speaking assignments.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Register Your Club with Chandigarh Administration
In a meeting held on May 22nd 2009 under the chairmanship of Home Secretary, the UT Administration has decided to launch various social initiatives in partnership with various NGOs. The nodal officers concerned for each of the five programmes are listed below :
Female Foeticide and Drug De-addiction Programme: Dr. M.S. Bains,
Sanitation and Removal of Garbasge Programme: Dr. G. Dewan,
Tree Plantation Programme: Sh. Ishwar Singh,
Alternates School Education Programme for out of School Street Children: Sh. Samwartak Singh,
Rehabilitation of Differently abled persons Smt. Amandeep Kaur, Director, Social Welfare 2700372
Each Rotary Club in the Chandigarh region is requested to register themselves with the Chandigarh Administration and send in applications to the nodal officers concerned for the programme/s in which your club shall be interested to participate. The last date for Registration is 5th June 2009. Please hurry.
Later on 10th June 2009, Chandigarh Administration shall be holding a seminar on this subject at 10am and all participating Rotary Club representatives including the current and incoming leadership is requested to attend.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Checklist for this Week
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Joint Meeting with Chandigarh Midtown
Friday, May 29, 2009
Installation Day
Best wishes. CJ
Speakers' Bureau: Vocational Service
The idea is to exchange this list with all the Rotary clubs so that we can use this pool of knowledge and expertise with each other.
The best thing for members in your club to respond to this is to publish it in your weekly club bulletin, and let them give their names either directly to you or to me at
I am sure you can send me some names by Next Saturday positively.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Club Treasurer's Manual now available
The Rotary International has made available a separate 32-page manual for the Club Treasurers. Please download the manual (pdf) and share it with your Club Treasurer or pass this link on to him/her.
The manual describes the role and responsibilities of the club treasurer and offers best financial practices from the field. The manual also includes a sample board report, budget worksheet, and checklist for treasurers. This publication is the result of a November 2007 RI Board of Directors decision.
Please click here to download the Club Treasurer’s Manual (220-EN).